
Read before order

You are dealing with a manufacturer

As a manufacturer, dealing with us would be different from middle sellers.
Below are some points that you may need to know.

We have time differences

Our customers come from worldwide, while our factories are located in China, sales offices located in the some big cities such as Guangzhou, LA or London. Usually there will be 4-13 hours time differences for different areas. So you may need to wait with a little patience to get the response from us, but no more than 24 hours.
If you didn't get the response from us within 24 hours, very likely your email can not reach us successfully, then you are suggested to contact via another way. For USA customers, please send us the text message, for customers from other countries, please add us on WhatsApp.

Below is an example that, a customer who sent us an email asking for tracking No. during our sleeping time and didn't get a response, then went panic and angry and put up the dispute through paypal, which caused great unhappiness for the transaction, but actually his order had been shipped out and with qualified items.
We have time differences

As a buyer, you need to cooperate with us together to make a smooth transaction

Once we take your money, we are taking the responsibility to offer you the qualified products as well as a smooth and happy transaction. For which we will be very careful to handle every process.

But the buyer also has the responsibility to cooperate with us to ensure this smooth transaction, confirming the shipping address, arranging people in place to receive the cargo, reporting to us in time for any possible damages or problems and etc.

Below is an example that, before every dispatch we will send the buyer an email to confirm shipping address, we do this because we probably can not tell in your shipping information which is the town name, the city name, or the zip code, so we need you to identify for us to make sure the shipping sheet with correct information. As in the international shipment, a wrong zip code or city name would cause the wrong relay of the route and then the parcel will be delayed or even missing.

For some customers, they will be helpful and send clear confirmation, example as below:
cooperate with us

But for some customers, they are careless and not cooperating. In this case, we will cancel his order
cooperate with us

Being a buyer doesn't give you a right to insult other

We are selling products, not selling our dignity, being a buyer doesn't give you a right to insult other.

We once had this customer who bought a zeppelin lamp from us, but due to typhoon and storm, the drying process was delayed for 2 weeks, though we explained, she still called us fraud and threatened to report fraud. In this case, we had to cancel the order and refunded her.

Unlike the middle seller, we offer too many options for our products, so not all of them are in stock, especially for some delicate products, such as silk fabric lightings. Selling the stock will definitely shorten the usage of the products.
But once we begin the production, some factors may affect the process, and cause some delays. In this case, we would need your trust and just a little patience.
cooperate with us
cooperate with us

Nice products to Nice people

There are always some people putting themselves in the position of GOD when they intend to buy something and patronize you. If you don't meet what they expected, they scold and slander. Below are two examples who abused in the name of a customer.

We just want to say, for the person with some buying intention, who treats himself as the Gold, if the price he wants can not be achieved, then starts to shout and curse, calling others as spam and fraud, spreading rumors and slanders, we sincerely ask him to go elsewhere

This gregg clifton after we deny to meet his expected price, posted bad reviews online and slander on us.
cooperate with us
cooperate with us

This customer called us dishonest business when the price was not what he expected and even though we had specific explanations on the website.
cooperate with us

But besides those lousy persons, we have more nice people around us who always support us and who are our real customers, such as Albert Calleros, we appreciate him so much for his kind help. And we would return not only with good items but also special gift for them who support us and help us for improvement.
cooperate with us
cooperate with us

Maker's Principle

There are some bad reviews online about us, we don't want to argue about that as it is not worthy of time and energy.

But we do have the backbone not surrendering to anyone who tries to use bad reviews to blackmail.

Because we are a down-to-earth manufacturer who makes and creates things, we are NEVER a Honeyed-words middleman.

Please give us your respect, trust and support, and we will return you the same respect, excellent products and services!